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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Cowards, Wusses, Sissy boys, etc

You know what really bothers me? People who don't stick up for friends or family. Someone that knows me had a friend who disrespected me in a very public setting. Let's call that someone Mr. K. Mr. K said absolutely nothing to this person in response. At least not that I know of. Mr. K has said nothing to me about this incident.

Over the years I have come to find Mr. K to be arrogant and full of himself. He seems to be certain that his opinion on things is the only opinion that matters. One time he insulted how I make music and tried to pass it off as a joke. How could that possibly be a joke? That's almost the same as saying something incredibly rude and out of place about one of your family members and then snickering afterward and then saying "Oh I'm just jokin' man!"

I don't find this "brand" of humor funny at all. I find it to be a disturbing trend I see in more and more people. Most people are just big cowards who are afraid to say something direct. Instead they make a joke out of how they feel about you as if it's going to give them some sort of pass for being an ass hole. I don't believe in passes in regards to certain things. Character would be one of them.

I've given too many passes over the years to too many people. Now that I have a family I have found that more than anything I just don't have the time to deal with people and their cowardly bullshit.

I recently had another friend who we'll call Mr R who basicly told me that if i wanted to see him or talk to him I'd have to make the lengthy drive to the church where he preaches every Sunday and see him in church. Ahem.......I don't think I'll be talking to Mr. R much anymore. In fact, the last time I talked to him was quite some time ago.

Man, I'm not perfect and I'm not pretending to be. I've made pleanty of mistakes in my life and have pleanty of things to be ashamed about. So to anyone who's reading this and thinks "Damn Fletch is one harsh and unforgiving person" just remember this. I've never turned my back on a friend. Maybe that's why I have so many people that love me. It's not because "Fletch is so cool" or "Fletch is this or Fletch is that". It's all about how I treat people. I try to treat people the way I want to be treated. Jesus Christ talked about this philosophy. Do onto others as you would have them do onto you. It's the Golden Rule. I just think that in today's society most people live by the rule of self. Whatever's best for self is the ultimate determining factor in most people's decisions. I chose to live my life according to scripture as best I can. Selfishness is not an option.

God Bless,

Big Fletch

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