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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Music Update

I'm super excited about the different projects I got goin' on right now. Currently Jay Money aka Posafebeats and I are trying to finish up Poetry in Motion, the 2nd Rhyme Commission album. I'm also sending all kinds of beats to my friend Joe Liedtke and his wife Sara. I'm also slowing putting together beats for my next solo project, Fletch Dylan.

The Rhyme Commission album is of course the same one we've had sitting around for about 5 or 6 years. We first started recording songs for Poetry In Motion around the same time as I was doing Beats 2 The Rhymes. During the last year we've been slowing doing new songs. With our busy scheadules it is pretty hard to get together to do new material. But we're almost done. I'm thinking about 3-4 new songs and maybe some interludes of some sort and it'll be done.

The stuff with Joe and Sara is very exciting because I've done any calloborations like this before. I'm basicly sending Joe beats and he's chopping them up and making them his own. He and his wife are both very talented so I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to work with them.

The Fletch Dylan project will be my next solo effort. I'm not really even sure when this project will be finished. I'm guessing next year sometime. I'll be posting updates for ya'll to listen to on my soundcloud page,

God Bless,

Big Fletch

Friday, November 25, 2011

Small town boy

I had to get out of that damn hospital room. I was sick of waiting for someone to see my little girl and tell us what was going on with her. I was pretty confidant that it wasn't anything major and that she would be fine. I just can't stand the waiting. I went outside to relax and smoke a Black and Mild Whine cigar. As I puffed on my black and looked at some of the St. Louis city buildings I couldn't help but think how cool it looked. It was in that moment that I realized that the saying is true. You can take the boy out of the small town, but you can't take the small town out of the boy.

I've lived in St. Louis for ten years which is the majority of my adult life. Yet I'm still in awe of the big city atmosphere at times. The buildings. The clubs. The art. The sports arenas. The ability to go watch some of my favorite wrestlers at the Scottrade Center. I sometimes still have to remind myself that this is my home. This is where my heart is that's for sure. My girls are here.

As I thought Chloe is going to be just fine. She's sleeping peacefully as I type this blog. She has an ear infection and with the meds should be better in a week or so.

God Bless,

Big Fletch

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Cowards, Wusses, Sissy boys, etc

You know what really bothers me? People who don't stick up for friends or family. Someone that knows me had a friend who disrespected me in a very public setting. Let's call that someone Mr. K. Mr. K said absolutely nothing to this person in response. At least not that I know of. Mr. K has said nothing to me about this incident.

Over the years I have come to find Mr. K to be arrogant and full of himself. He seems to be certain that his opinion on things is the only opinion that matters. One time he insulted how I make music and tried to pass it off as a joke. How could that possibly be a joke? That's almost the same as saying something incredibly rude and out of place about one of your family members and then snickering afterward and then saying "Oh I'm just jokin' man!"

I don't find this "brand" of humor funny at all. I find it to be a disturbing trend I see in more and more people. Most people are just big cowards who are afraid to say something direct. Instead they make a joke out of how they feel about you as if it's going to give them some sort of pass for being an ass hole. I don't believe in passes in regards to certain things. Character would be one of them.

I've given too many passes over the years to too many people. Now that I have a family I have found that more than anything I just don't have the time to deal with people and their cowardly bullshit.

I recently had another friend who we'll call Mr R who basicly told me that if i wanted to see him or talk to him I'd have to make the lengthy drive to the church where he preaches every Sunday and see him in church. Ahem.......I don't think I'll be talking to Mr. R much anymore. In fact, the last time I talked to him was quite some time ago.

Man, I'm not perfect and I'm not pretending to be. I've made pleanty of mistakes in my life and have pleanty of things to be ashamed about. So to anyone who's reading this and thinks "Damn Fletch is one harsh and unforgiving person" just remember this. I've never turned my back on a friend. Maybe that's why I have so many people that love me. It's not because "Fletch is so cool" or "Fletch is this or Fletch is that". It's all about how I treat people. I try to treat people the way I want to be treated. Jesus Christ talked about this philosophy. Do onto others as you would have them do onto you. It's the Golden Rule. I just think that in today's society most people live by the rule of self. Whatever's best for self is the ultimate determining factor in most people's decisions. I chose to live my life according to scripture as best I can. Selfishness is not an option.

God Bless,

Big Fletch

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A much needed break

Thanks you God for the next four days. I will not be working for four days straight. It has been a very long time since I've had that many days off in a row. And it feels great already! I am so excited to spend time with my girls, Gail, Tabby, and Chloe.


God Bless,

Big Fletcher

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


It seems to me that most people tend to think that people who don't avoid confrontation enjoy confrontation. As a person who's not afraid to tell the truth and confront people when I feel they need to be made aware of their actions or behavior I can tell you in all honesty I don't enjoy it.

I resent the fact that most people aren't honest and big enough to just be real. I find myself being backed into a corner and forced to confront people who no one else will. People enable others behavior by not confronting them about it.

I'm blunt. That's just how God made me. I try real hard not to hurt people's feelings but I have a hard time pretending sometimes. If someone asks me a direct question about how I feel I really don't want to lie just to keep from hurting their feelings. We all have feelings and we all get them hurt at times. Don't we all get over our hurt feelings at the same time? Our society has become obsessed with political correctness and "feelings". Can't we all just admit when our feelings get hurt and get over it? I don't know. I can. Maybe I'm abnormal.

All this being said I will confront you if I feel I need to. That's not a threat. It's a promise. It's just who I am.

God Bless,

Big Fletch

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Opinions are like Ass Holes.....

......Everyone's got one, some are just smellier than others. My Uncle Bob shared this wise saying with me when I was in High School. I love Uncle Bob.

People who think their opinion is the only one that matters and that anyone who doesn't agree with them are idiots are.........well. Ass Holes. And they smell bad. And stuff.

I tend to not like rich people who think that they're better than other people just because they have money. They pretend to care about the "common" man, yet think that they're more intelligent than the "common" man because well.....they're educated. I guess they must think that the only way for a person to be intelligent is to go to a fancy school or college.

My Dad never finished college. He's a very smart guy. He could wax intelectual with many intellectuals about many different topics. And he's just a pipe fitter who busted his ass for years to provide for his family. He didn't whine and cry about having to work overtime and most Saturdays for most his life. He just did it. That's what a man does. He just does what needs to be done for his family.

A man Works.

I work. I provide for my family. That's what I do. Word? Word

God Bless

Big Fletch

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Things of This World

I guess when it's all said and done I'm a simple person. I believe in having good morals, character, values, and honesty. Who a person is and what they stand for is more important to me than how much money or wealth a person has. That's the way I was raised and it's what I believe. More importantly, it's how I've lived my life.

A few years ago I got back into the music scene after being out of it for a few years prior. I had what I consider to be one of the best St. Louis rap albums made in the past several years recorded and ready to release. I had a CD release party at Blueberry Hill and I rocked the place. I mean it was a pretty full house and everyone was feelin' my set. It was the most amazing feeling to me because I had come full circle.

When I first moved out here to St. Louis I spent every Friday night at Blueberry Hill. Every week "The Science" Hip-Hop spin was in full effect. Local artists such as MC's, DJ's, break dancers, graff artists and the like would come down to the Duck Room and just vibe out to some excellent underground and classic rap. At the end of each Friday's Science there was an open mic where MC's could spit some freestyles. It was no small feat to get that mic and rip some rhymes let alone be invited to do a set of your own material at this weekly showcase. I went on to spit some freestyles and even did a few shows in The Duck Room. But I never had a CD release there.

After I did the Beats 2 The Rhymes CD release and everyone was feelin' me I felt complete. In fact, I remember telling my fiance Gail that if that was the last thing I ever did in music I would be fine with that. I accomplished my goals in music. See, my goal was never to become rich and famous off of my music. I just wanted to do it. Where I grew up there was no chance of finding places that would allow local artists to do rap shows. Not only was I able to do rap here in St. Louis but I also gained the respect of my peers. That wasn't exactly an easy thing to accomplish as a white rapper back in 2002-2005. It took a while for white rappers to become a more accepted part of the rap community in those days.

After that show at Blueberry Hill I did some back ups for my good friend Dug Holes at one of his shows in the Duck Room. As Gail and I were hanging out backstage we both had a strange feeling. We talked about it later. It didn't take long for me to realize that God was trying to tell me something. It was time to let the music thing go. I wasn't going to pursue it like I once did. I wasn't going to dedicate so much time and effort to it. I was no longer determined to make it a career. I didn't know exactly why until a few weeks later. That's when we found out Gail was pregnant. I was going to become a father.

I'm proud to say some of my peers and friend in the local rap scene are doing quite well for themselves. I have no doubt that if I would have stayed on the grind and kept doing new music, shows, promotions, etc. that I would be doing pretty well myself. You never know. Maybe I would have become rich and famous. But money doesn't buy a ticket into heaven. Money doesn't give love to my little girl. I do. And if I was out chasing that dream I wouldn't be around enough for my Chloe, my Gail, or my Tabby.

I'm not looking for a pat on the back or anything. I'm just proud of my accomplishments. And I should be. I worked extremely hard to achieve them. Even if some people won't acknowledge it. Even if some people put money above all else and equate money to success. My success is in my family. And I am quite successful.

God Bless,

Big Fletch