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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Times done changed

What's crackin' everybody? I've got a little something on my mind. I have a blogsite what the hell?

I've been doing rap since I was 12 years old. Growing up in a small farm town in Illinois was a great experience in many ways. You get to learn a lot about people who you barely know because well, it's a small town. You run into people you barely know or talk to on a semi-frequent basis. This is a story of one of those people in my life.

Now I don't want to name name's here because I have not wish to embarrass or shame this girl. Let's just call her Blondie. So I grew up with Blondie. She was in my class since preschool or kindergarten. I don't remember for sure. By the time we hit high school she was pretty much not liked by too many people....except for a few guys I guess. Use your imagination. Me personally, I had heard through a very close friend that she told him I did some things to an ex-girlfriend that were not so nice. Again, use your imagination. My friend laughed at her and said no way. Good man. He knows me better. I believe that was like our freshman or sophomore year. By the time our senior year was in swing I had really gotten over it. I mean, I didn't like the girl but I didn't have any problems with her. She tried to spread some lies about me but I mean she never did anything directly to me. This next incident with her was during my last year in Mason City.

I had been doing rap for a while. It was pretty well known. I had performed a song for a high school pep rally once. Rapped at the town fair. Stuff like that. So Blondie knows that I rap. One day I was putting gas in my truck. I was facing the street. All of the sudden Blondie drives by. She rolls down her window and yells "WIGGER!" I was actually pretty taken aback by this. For one, anyone who knows me knows I'm not a "wigger". For those of you who don't know the meaning of this semi- racial slur it means a white person who is trying to act like an African-American. For two, I really didn't think this chick had a problem with me. Outside of the nasty lies she tried to spread I'd never had any problems with her.

Oh the story is not over. The funniest part is yet to come. My wonderful girlfriend Gail convinced me to get a facebook page. I reconnected with a bunch of people from high school. I had no intention of talking to this girl. I still haven't. To my great surprise though, Blondie posted a note on one of my pics. She said "wat it do big pimpin? haven't seen you in 4-eva! drop me a line!"
I think I laughed out loud. I'm like "Is this the same girl who called me a wigger when I was in high school? Sayin' shit like "wat it do big pimpin'? 4-eva?" Priceless.

You see, people don't give a damn about you when you're nobody. And people sure will give you a hard time and make fun of you when you're different from everyone else. But as soon as they see that you're doing something with you life that is now considered "cool"......their tune sure changes in a hurry doesn't it?

Aww.....hope you're doing well Bandwagon Blondie! Just please don't ever come to St. Louis to see one of my shows. Cuz I'm afraid I couldn't resist calling you out and telling this story to the crowd.

God Bless Ya Life,

Big Fletch

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